평균 점수 289 리뷰
가격 대비 품질
Gonza Yaqui 평가됨 on Google
6개월 전Cassandre Greffin 평가됨 on Google
J’ai commander , c’était vraiment trop trop bon juste dans mon riz cantonais il manquait les cubes de jambons mais apart ça c’était un délice (Translated by Google) I ordered, it was really too good just in my Cantonese rice the ham cubes were missing but apart from that it was a delight
6개월 전Misko Lamish 평가됨 on Google
6개월 전Nelly Haidra 평가됨 on Google
1ere livraison parfait 👍 (Translated by Google) 1st delivery perfect 👍
7개월 전Lena Phillot 평가됨 on Google
7개월 전R 2 평가됨 on Google
C’est très bon mais l’annonce est mensongère, je pensais que c’était King Sushi de Paris 5em ! ON M’A TROMPÉ SUR LA MARCHANDISE (Translated by Google) It’s very good but the ad is misleading, I thought it was King Sushi from Paris 5em! I WAS MISLEADED ABOUT THE MERCHANDISE
7개월 전Camille Jacquinot 평가됨 on Google
7개월 전Ili Ko 평가됨 on Google
8개월 전julia vilain baeza 평가됨 on Google
8개월 전Maxpierre de CLERCK 평가됨 on Google
9개월 전